One of Healthy Gourmet’s four guiding principles is ‘Philanthropy and Community’ and this week we are focusing on the teaching community and the auxiliary staff and administrators who support them. To this end, Healthy Gourmet believes that teachers are a priceless asset in any learning environment and we would like to encourage our community to partner with us. For this reason, we invite you to be heroes in supporting our teachers by purchasing gift cards for convenient, prepared meals that can be enjoyed in the staff room or at home.
Charitable Giving – Clothed by Faith
Your charitable giving is our heart
Did you know that by purchasing Healthy Gourmet meals you are actively helping others who are less fortunate than ourselves? Not just today, not just throughout Coronavirus but every day! Feel good about the healthy choices you are making in terms of nutrition. Feel great about the difference YOU are making in local communities. Your charitable giving makes the world a better place. Read on to discover three ways in which your generous investment in Healthy Gourmet helps others.