The Sunday Roast: A Beef-eater Tradition

One of the things I miss most about British eating habits is the Sunday roast.  In some ways it looks like one of the easiest meals to prepare – no complicated sauces, no special seasonings to worry about.  On the other hand, it is one of the most difficult because it requires careful timing of the main event (the roast meat) while several side dishes cook to perfection so they are ready to serve simultaneously.  In addition, it is annoyingly easy to overcook the green vegetables, create soggy roast potatoes and bake Yorkshire puddings that fail to rise.  Why on earth would anyone want to go to such trouble?  The answer is because practice makes perfect and the end result is spectacular!

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Pad Thai: Science Reveals why it is so Delicious

Pad Thai is one of the most simple and delicious street food dishes around.  Rice noodles stir-fried with eggs and some tofu, shrimp or meat are the basis for the dish. It is typically flavored with some tamarind pulp, fish sauce, garlic, chili and sugar.  Final touches include a garnish of lime wedge and chopped, toasted peanuts.  It is probably the most famous Thai noodle dish, checking all the boxes for deliciousness – but why?  What is the science behind its remarkable flavor?

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South African Bobotie: Global Flavors Recipe Cards


The first in this series of Global Recipe Cards is South African Bobotie.  For anyone who loves to cook with ground beef or hamburger, this is a recipe to add to your repertoire.

Category:  Entree, Comfort Food

Global Flavor:  South African

Prep Time:  30 mins

Cook Time:  1 hr 30 mins

Yield:  8-10

Method:  Oven

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General Tso Chicken – A Tangy Taiwanese Dish with a Sticky Ending

General Tso Chicken

Researching material for a blog about a global flavor or national cuisine is always enlightening.  For example, initially I assumed General Tso Chicken was named after a 19th Hunanese general because he had a penchant for spicy chicken.  Wrong.

Then, I read about Chef Peng Chang-kuei, who made the dish famous in Taiwan in the 1950s.  So, the dish must be authentically Taiwanese, right?  Wrong again.  So, what in the world is General Tso chicken if the general didn’t eat it and neither do the Taiwanese?

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Chowdah for Suppah in The Parlah, Anyone? Only in Boston!

I could literally be doing this tonight.  That is to say eating chowder – for dinner in the sitting room – here in my Airbnb in Boston.  I can even fake a New England accent reasonably well.  It’s not that hard, to be honest, if you’re British.  I love an opportunity to write about regional cuisine while actually physically there in person.  There’s nothing quite like experiencing it first-hand to make me want to put pen to paper (okay, fingers to laptop).  And what better excuse does anyone need to justify sampling New England cuisine?  None whatsoever or “No Suh!” as the locals might say.

Needless to say, clam chowder, lobster roll, cannoli and Boston cream pie have been at the top of my do-to list this weekend.  Maybe it is destiny that the address where I am staying is located on the same street as America’s very first restaurant…a snippet of local culinary history right here on my door step.

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Orange Vegetables – An Ode to Butternut Squash and Sweet Potatoes

Orange vegetables

My least favorite color in the entire world is orange. To begin with, it screams headaches, 1970’s décor and spray cheese.  It means fake suntans, unbrushed Cheeto teeth and Hobby Lobby for three dismal months of the year.  It’s Easy Jet when you wanted United Airlines.  It’s Fanta when you need a Coke.   It’s Mastercard when they only take Visa.  I know no one and nothing that looks good in man-made orange.  But I do like sunsets and vegetables.  Orange vegetables get a carte blanch in my house.  A Get Out of Jail Free Card.  A Pass Go and Collect $200 status.  In truth, orange vegetables are the bomb.  Quite honestly, I can’t get enough of them and the best part is, they’re incredibly good for you.

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Thanksgiving Turkey – Six Ways To Make It More Interesting

Thanksgiving Turkey

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and has become increasingly so the older I get.  Not only is it the start of the festive holiday season but it’s an opportunity to take a breath and consciously sit and think about all I am grateful for.  That sounds trite but making memories and revisiting traditions helps to cement this gratitude.  Usually we begin the day with a very early start involving the local YMCA Turkey Dash.  Next we head home and watch Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade on the TV with a glass of champagne in hand.  Then, as the National Dog Show is starting, the Thanksgiving turkey is shoved in the oven and we sit down for a game of Christmas-opoly, charades and other silly games.

The practice of roasting a turkey is not much of a big deal to a Brit, because we grew up enjoying ‘Sunday roasts’ most weekends.  So when Thanksgiving comes around I try to think of different ways to prepare the turkey, just for the thrill.  Here are a five ideas I have tried out with reasonable success.  And a sixth for good measure.

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Moroccan Tagine…in Casablanca as time goes by


I have a confession to make.  I have never been to Casablanca.  In fact, I am writing this blog about Moroccan Tagine without ever having been to Morocco or experienced authentic tajine.  When I say I haven’t experienced it, I mean I haven’t had the pleasure of cooking it in that unmistakeable cone-shaped earthenware pot.  I haven’t shared a traditional communal tagine in a mountain village and I haven’t been to Marrakech and haggled for one in the local markets. Clearly, after considerable research today, I have missed out on an unforgettable lifetime experience!  In fact, I am starting to think that once Covid’s over I need I need to start planning a vacation to Morocco and not just because I have a crush on Humphrey Bogart…

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South African Cuisine – Postcards from the Rainbow Nation

South African Cuisine

Well this is it.  I’ve been putting off writing this blog for a long time.   There’s only one meal left on Flavorly’s menu that I haven’t touched on in some form or other when discussing regional cuisine.  And it’s Peri-Peri Grilled Chicken.  Why have I left this amazing dish until last?  Because it is a classic example of South African cuisine and since Chef F and the Fourie family hail from this beautiful country, I feel they are far more qualified to talk about it than I.  However, by coincidence I did have the opportunity to spend a few years working in South Africa in my 20’s and have some very fond foodie memories.  So, this blog is a kind of homage to that period of time in my life.  In that spirit I will share with you three of my favorite culinary experiences from those days.

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